Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just turn the car off!

This week I had the pleasure of driving one of these cars to Logan and back for work. It wasn't my first experience in driving a Prius. No, it was my second...I was experienced, or so I thought. The Prius belongs to the motor pool. Now the first time I took this car, I got a little driving lesson from the car pool man on how to turn it on and off, how not to expect any noise at a stop light unless the air conditioner is on because the car is silent, how to put the car in gear and how to take it out of gear. How the break needs to be pressed in order for the car to start when you push the "power" button. How there is no key, just a thing you keep in your pocket or bag. These were all very useful instructions.

Now fast forward to this week. I had experience, right? No lesson necessary for me because I'd driven this thing before. Starting the car and getting it in gear were no problem. Off I went. The problem arose when I needed to turn it off. That's when the difference between the "power" button and the "park" button become very dim. You see, both start with "P", and both are relatively close together. Do you see where I'm headed? I just figured when I saw the "P" for Park, it meant power., it wouldn't turn the dumb thing off... Bottom line is, it wasn't anything the owners manual couldn't explain... duh!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Randomness that made me smile...

The girl who stopped in front of the house when driving by to ask if we'd seen a white dog with orange spots. How many white dogs with orange spots have you seen?

The man I pulled up next to at a stop light in a big white suburban. He was playing a harmonica. Who does that?

Going on a tin foil dinner outing and realizing once there we forgot the plates... Guess what, we begged some off our fellow campground neighbors. Worked quite nicely. In fact, it was much better than last time when I forgot the charcoal and had to drive back to Dan's to buy another bag. Can't wait to see what we forget next time. It's always an adventure.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Just get in there....I mean it!

So I feel pretty strongly about this. If you are due for your mammo, it's time to get in there and get it done. Since running Wasatch Back not too many weeks ago, one of the women on our team was diagnosed with breast cancer. So hard to believe and yet, thankfully, she has been diligent about getting an annual mammo. They think everything was caught in time. She's strong, fit, and will beat it. Just like so many other brave women.... My Mom, for instance, is a survivor of 30 plus years. Now, call and make your appointment. Just mentally prepare and you'll do just fine.