Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Randomness that made me smile...

The girl who stopped in front of the house when driving by to ask if we'd seen a white dog with orange spots. How many white dogs with orange spots have you seen?

The man I pulled up next to at a stop light in a big white suburban. He was playing a harmonica. Who does that?

Going on a tin foil dinner outing and realizing once there we forgot the plates... Guess what, we begged some off our fellow campground neighbors. Worked quite nicely. In fact, it was much better than last time when I forgot the charcoal and had to drive back to Dan's to buy another bag. Can't wait to see what we forget next time. It's always an adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Are these for real?? :) A white dog with orange spots. I'm picturing a dog with orange spray painted dots all over it...
    LOL, these are great!
