Monday, March 8, 2010

You Look Like You've Been Running a Long Time

Saturday mornings are dedicated to long runs. Long can vary depending on where one is in a marathon training schedule. Saturday we were running 17-18 miles. This qualifies as a long run. Somewhere in the middle of the run, maybe 14 miles or so, we ran into a group of our other running buddies. While visiting with them for a few minutes one of them said to me, "You look like you've been running for a long time."

I kind of brushed it off without thinking about it at that moment.... Then about 10 paces after we we took off again I started thinking about what she'd said. Just exactly what did she mean? I posed the question to the three buddies I was with. We decided it could mean a number of things. Things like:

1) You look like crap and should run home immediately.
2) You look like you are in amazing shape because you've been running for years.
3) You must have gotten up really early because you are wearing that fashionable reflector vest.
4) Visions of Forest Gump come to mind as he kept on running.

It makes me laugh. It also reminds me of another funny line said to me years ago after another long run. My brother and his young son came to help me work on the sprinkling system. After a couple of hours we decided it was time to go Maxfield's Plumbing (one of my favorite stores). I had come home from my 20 mile run and started working in the yard in my running duds. No shower, no nothing. I'm sure the aroma was strong. So, in order to go to Maxfield I said I would hop in the shower quickly and then we'd go. I came out of the house wearing a t-shirt and shorts with my hair still wet and stuffed in a baseball cap. This is when Ryan looked at me and said "Doris, you look better." Poor kid, he'd been traumatized the whole day.

Hmmmm. Maybe it's better I don't think too deeply about just what was said to me this past Saturday morning......

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